This is sadly not that inaccurate a depiction of what it's like driving through Cambridge and Somerville right now. There have been times I've questioned the sanity of keeping a car in a city with such a big public transit system, but these past few weeks I've been so glad of it. Patches of cleared sidewalks get sighted about as often as the Loch Ness Monster, and are nearly as dangerous. What was once my front lawn is now a twelve-foot-high snowbank spilling out into the street.
But there are bright spots-- quite a few, in fact. I had a fabulous weekend in the delightful city of Troy, New York with my three best friends, I saw the sun on Monday, and I am so proud to say that on Tuesday I was featured for the first time as a guest blogger on the awesome urban fantasy blog All Things Urban Fantasy! You can see my post, a sneak peek at a few YA urban fantasy titles coming out in the next few months that I'm really excited about, right this way.
The girls that run ATUF are pretty awesome, and I'm really pleased to be working with them. I'll have another review up with them in the next few weeks, and I got a chance to participate in their series Cover Art Coverage this week as well. Going all Tim Gunn on the covers of some recently released titles was a ton of fun (not gonna lie, I had to stop myself from saying "I question your taste level" just because I could.)
So that's what I'm up to this week-- that, and preparing for another snowstorm that's supposed to hit this Saturday. Sigh. At least I've got a lot of books to read...