15 November, 2011

take 2

I've only just remembered this blog, which... probably says something for how little time I've spent on the internet in the past ten months, rather than the amount of books I've been reading. But I've just gotten through Mark Reads the Hunger Games and it has seriously inspired me to pick this blog up and actually do with it what I originally intended.

So. A bit of a schedule for myself, since I tend to do better when I have one of those:
  • Green by Jay Lake - 11/16

  • Boneshaker by Cherie Priest - 11/25

  • The Company Man by Robert Jackson Bennet - 12/5

  • Embassytown by China Mieville - 12/19

  • Goliath by Scott Westerfeld - 12/31

What I read in what order may change, but I'd ideally like to get at least these few done by the end of the year. I don't really care if there's anyone reading this right now; what's important to me is writing on a schedule, trying to do it regularly. However, if you do happen to be reading this, thanks for stopping by, and look for my next review tomorrow. :)


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